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Founding Editor Late A.C.Saxena

12th July 1928 to 27th April 2021

Consumer India Spokesman Review (CISR) is a tribute to the late veteran journalist Avinash Chandra Saxena. In 2010, he wanted to start a monthly journal dedicated to the middle class. He was always of the opinion that the middle class is the backbone of its economy, representative of typical Indian values (which transcend regions, religions, castes, and tribes, which are by themselves very diverse in India), and a marketer’s dream in today’s consumption-driven world economies. He did all the basic work, from coining the name “CISR” to creating the basic format for the monthly magazine.

Avinash Chander Saxena is also known as A C Saxena or just AC among his friends and coworkers. At a time when independent journalism is at jeopardy, honouring these individuals is crucial because it can inspire journalists to think critically and liberally.

He was a journalist and a self-made man, a true “Karmyogi,” coming from Allahabad to a big city and struggling his way to be a part of Delhi’s elite group. His passion for journalism was so great that in the late 1950s, in Delhi, he quit a cushy job as a manager at a well-known printing press and struggled to get back to journalism. After joining a leading daily, The Indian Express, he worked successfully and attained the post of news editor. His political views were quite liberal; he had a practical approach to problem solving; and, always proud of his profession, he worked for a reputed German daily for 10 years before retiring at the age of 85.

People’s Research on the Indian Consumer Economy (PRICE) report disclosed that India’s middle class would nearly double to 715 million by 2030-31 and would grow to a staggering 1 billion by 2047, if India implements necessary political and economic reforms. 1 out of every 3 Indians is middle class in India with an annual income between Rs. 5-30 lakh. This number is expected to double by 2047, placing 2 out of every 3 Indians in the category. Recently, two research reports published, point towards this fundamental demographic pivot that is underway in India.

Consumer India Spokesman Review is a news portal designed to provide a decisive tool to consumers in today’s business environment. This portal is for every India Middle class who are on responsible position and have purchasing power to act on advertising. Needless to mention this vital class prefers journals to the electronic media for information and knowledge on the latest products and technology in which they can readily invest.

The Consumer India Spokesman Review is published in English on behalf of A & A Media Relations and Advocacy, New Delhi

Consumer India Spokesman Review: Your Gateway to the Empowered Middle-Class Consumer

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